Us Ark L0002

Property Information

Ref. #: US-ARK-L0002

Country: USA

District: n/a

Prefecture: Arkansas

Area: Northern Arkansas

Location: Mountain Valley

Property Type: New development, Land sales

Category: Land for sale

Status: Available

Selling Price: from $ 14,900

Located in the heart of the Ozark Mountains Foothills, Mountain Valley Lakes is a paradise waiting for you and your Family. With seven Golf Courses in the surrounding area Purchase one or more Land Lots and you’ll be awarded the premier Golfer Club card that will allow you to golf FOR FREE at any of the seven Golf courses for the entire time you own the lot.

Discover what’s waiting for you ….

• Friendly Neighbors

• Majestic and picturesque landscape of the Ozark mountain foothills

• A peaceful and serene Paradise to retire to

• Arts , crafts, sporting events and activities

Property features

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